Saturday, April 4, 2020

Winged Contraption

This is my second non-student orchestra piece, dedicated to Martin Boykan at 60. I had been invited to a birthday celebration for him, but I couldn't make it, since I was at the Djerassi Foundation in California at the time (writing my first non-student orchestra piece), so I promised to write him a piece for his birthday. I wrote all of it at Yaddo in the summer of 1991, on a schedule of two pages per day. Why that? The conceit is that the piece for a 60th birthday would be 60 pages in orchestral score. Also, it's all copied by hand, so I was both composing and copying daily, occasionally joining some of the Yaddo group at a dance club in Saratoga Springs (She's Homeless was the popular jam at the time).

The opening cello melody is extracted from a Boykan piano piece, and a few other quotes from Marty are in there as well.