Saturday, November 8, 2014

Vocal music

See List of Compositions for a complete list of vocal music.

Musician (1990) is a setting of the poem of the same name by Louise Bogan. It was originally written for string orchestra with celesta, and this arrangement for voice, violin and piano was made for Judy Bettina. The violinist is Curtis Macomber, god-of-the-violin. (Dagnabbit, I don't think it breathes right)

I wrote Three Encores for Judy Bettina and Jim Goldsworthy in 1991. The first one is a simple vocalise. Sorry about the silly title.

The second one, below, is a scat piece which is, in its own weird way, an homage to Milton Babbitt's Phonemena.

The third one is a vocalist that takes a long, hot bath inside the world of Berg.

For Wittgenstein (1994) is the fifth song (of five) in the cycle Nothing But the Wind, written for Susan Narucki. The poem is by Joseph Duemer and was written specially for the cycle.

Georgic (2000) was written for Jim and Judy on a poem by Phillis Levin.

Three Songs on Poems of Louise Bogan was written in 1989 for Judy Bettina.

To Be Sung on the Water, the first of the Bogan songs, was recorded by Susan Narucki on her MacDowell project.

Susan and Alan also recorded Windy Nights, from the song cycle I wrote for her, Silently a Wind Goes Over. The text is Robert Louis Stevenson.